In my long note to the group, I explained what I was doing with my time on myriad projects. They are ALL using the SDR-1000 or special purpose derivatives (not new transceivers) for AMSAT. We have pushed the hardware incarnation of this technology to the limit and we are in the" using mode" now, where we no longer innovate much on the hardware. And I agree that all we are doing with the software for Linux and Windows is working on this hardware though that will change with the AMSAT SDX prototypes.

That said, it would be a boring week indeed for any technological type, if we did not have conversations that went something like: "What could we do with this part?" or "Can we change this circuit to look like this?" and hope that one day it leads somewhere. It is simply not credible to you, me, or ANYONE to think that Gerald is not thinking about next year and the year beyond and five years from now. If he is not, then something is terribly wrong.

If you held a gun to my head and asked me to stake my life on when Flex will issue the SDR-Next, I am going to guess we will be getting a SDR-2007 if we EVER get a new transceiver. Stop worrying about speculation and open innovation. Encourage it, don't force it underground with whining. It is truly unbecoming.


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