Hi Wayne,

I had this problem with my SDR-1000.  Every time I got out the probes
to see what was going on it would not do it (not that they would have
helped much since the it is a bear to get a probe into the board
stack).  Finally I isolated it to one of a handful of crappy looking
solder joints on the PIO board (bottom of the stack).  I just touched
up all the bad looking solder joints until the problem when away.  I
haven't had a problem since (3+ months).  It would do exactly what you
describe - display jumps up higher than baseline a few times, white
noise, and then nothing... with baseline below -140...

Have you tried rapping the case a few times?  Generally it would
restore mine for a few minutes before it did it again.

I think in my case the excessive heat generated by the regulator on
the PIO board aggravated any substandard solder joints by thermal
expansion and contraction over time.  At least it is something to look

73 de Phil N8VB

On 9/30/05, Wayne Roth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> My SDR-1000 (an older rev box with RFE, no PA or tuner, parallel port
> interface) receives fine for the first couple of minutes then goes deaf.
> Cycling the DC power restores the receiver for another couple minutes, then
> it dies again.  Just before it craps out, the baseline as viewed on the
> spectral display raises from -130 to about -70 a couple times along with an
> increase in the white noise, then drops to -140.  All frequencies appear to
> be dead.  Restarting the software has no effect, so it's a hardware issue.
> I have yet to open the enclosure and get the scope out, just wondering if
> anyone has seen this, or has a suggestion on where to start looking.
> Best Regards,
> Wayne
> WA2N / 5 Austin Tx
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Philip A Covington

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