Bob and Eric,

I reduced the dma buffer size on the Delta 44 to 512 as suggested.  This 
fixed the flutter, but the pop is still there on all audio tab settings 
except 2048 and 48000.  None of this occurs on svn 537 even with the dma 
buffer set to 2048.

Tom   W0IVJ

Robert McGwier wrote:

> In the task bar,  on the bottom right,  there is a little black 
> trapezoidal looking M for your M-Audio control panel.  It should on 
> the task bar over by the clock.  Double click on it.  There is a DMA 
> buffer size setting there.   If it is larger than 512,  please 
> decrease it to 512 and try this again.
> This all probably needs better documentation than we currently have.  
> We really did do major league surgery on the way things worked by 
> removing a few unnecessary lines of protection.  This in turn revealed 
> other levels of poor coding on our part.   There may still be a 
> "easter egg" or two we need to remove!
> Bob
> Tom Thompson wrote:
>> Bob,
>> I am using the Delta 44 card with the buffer size on the audio tab 
>> set to 2048.  The sampling rate is 96000 and the manual latency is 
>> unchecked.  My dsp buffer is 2048.  I found that on the new release 
>> that if I decrease the buffer size on the audio tab below 2048 the 
>> audio flutters.  If I decrease the sampling rate to 48000 the flutter 
>> frequency halves.  The only combination of sampling rate and buffer 
>> size that I get no pop and no flutter is 48000 and 2048.  I get audio 
>> flutter on any buffer size below 2048 at either 96000 or 48000.
>> On 1.6.2 svn 537, the audio never flutters, and I have to decrease 
>> the buffer to 256 at 48000 for the pop to occure.  It will not pop at 
>> 256 with the sample rate at 96000.
>> I hope this helps.
>> 73,   Tom   W0IVJ

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