I took the easy/chicken way out of installing Ubuntu.  I installed a 
second hard drive to keep all things separate.
In the past I have installed Suse Linux and Xandros Linux.  Ubuntu is by 
far the most slick I have ever used.
For my machine, a home brewed Asus A8V mobo with an Athlon FX-53 
processor, I could not install release 6.06 (Dapper Drake) directly 
because of a bug in the install program.  Instead, I had to install 
release 5.10 (Breezy Badger) and then do an upgrade to Dapper Drake over 
the web install/upgrade. The upgrade via the web was a cinch and very slick.

All of my hardware is supported without a glitch. I will probably build 
a separate computer for my SDR 1000 which will be ordered probably in 
October (as soon as I get finished paying for the latest semester 
tuition for my youngest daughter). The SDR 1000 computer will probably 
have 2 HDD's, Intel E6600 duo 2 processor, if the processors pan out, 2 
meg RAM, cheap video card, 750 meg Zip drive and DVD+- RW with CD ROM 
with R/RW. Only rarely will this computer be allowed on the net for 
updates. Most updates will be by sneaker net from my other PC across the 
room. There will be no permanent network connection  for the SDR 1000 
computer. It will dual boot Win XP and Ubuntu Linux.

I will run several digital mode programs and feed them from Dragon 
Dictate as much as I can. For some unknown reason, Dragon Dictate runs 
much  faster on an Intel processor than on an Athlon FX-64. Eric W. also 
wrote me that Intel processors do a better job with CW on the SDR 1000 
than Athlon processors. Given the recent changes in the CW code, this 
speed advantage may have disappeared. I will watch the web and wait.

Brad A. Steffler

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