Brian -- these things can be positively maddening to track down.  Can you 
think of any new applications or hardware you installed in the near 
vicinity of the problem starting?    If you've added new USB or Firewire 
attached hardware you can try booting with it disconnected as a diagnostic 
to try and identify likely suspects causing the problem.

Another thing to try is adjusting PowerSDR's priority -- 
Setup->General->Options->Process Priority.  I've ended up with mine set to 
Real Time to exorcize popping RX problems.   I'm running an Athlon 2100 on 
XP  - not the speediest bit of hardware these days so not surprised I had 
to push it to real time to get rid of the pops.

Best of luck with it - 'tis no fun trying to hunt down such an issue.


Bill (kd5tfd)

At 06:55 AM 12/23/2006, A.R.S. -  W5AMI wrote:
>Thanks again Mike.  Yeah, I've watched the processes for probably
>hours and nothing seems to be hogging cpu's.  They all seem to be
>legit processes too.
>I've tried all combo's of buffer sizes with no change.  This seems to
>be a "timed" event, once on the average of about 60 seconds.  Then the
>pops (sounds like a tiny galloping horse) go for about 5 to 10
>Thanks for the help and suggestions.

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