Hello Everyone,

Over the past couple of days I have heard a number of comments in this thread 
about the "heartache" and "pain" associated with moving from Windows to the 
Linux OS.  

How soon we forget.  

The transition from DOS to the earlier versions of Windows was much more 
painful.  Not only did we have to deal with that buggy, crashing, piece of 
crap, Windows GUI, but the initial learning curve was tremendous. The only 
saving grace was that most (as in not all) of the Windows applications from the 
user perspective operated in a similar fashion.  And let us not forget about 
some of the horrific application software from the early 90's.  M$ Project 
comes to mind as one of the worst but there were plenty of others.

So when others talk about the "pain" and "heartache" associated with Linux, 
remember it is all relative.  In my opinion, the transition from Windows to 
Linux was a piece of cake.



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