At 08:35 AM 1/25/2007, Dale Boresz wrote:
>The KB and new Downloads page are 100% database driven. Even if a search
>engine like Google were to traverse every link it found on the site, it
>wouldn't come close to finding everything that is there. Another thing
>to consider is that the data on the KB is dynamic in the sense that it
>is updated over time to keep it current, and the search engines are only
>as current as the last time the site was parsed.
>The bottom line is that if you really want complete and up-to-date
>access to all data contained in both sites, you must use the search
>tools provided by the respective sites. Any other external search tool
>will return you only a (possibly out of date) subset of the data that is
>really available.

or, and this is my recommendation/preference, that those people 
providing support databases do the necessary hooks to feed their 
dynamic content out to the major search engines.  Based on a previous 
post, I believe this might be the case for the kb, but it might need 
a "kickstart" to get the initial load into google's engine.

Jim, W6RMK 

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