
I like the new waterfall display.  Can someone tell me what the 
colors are?  I think I can see back (what I set for the lowest level) 
blue, light blue, white, green, yellow, orange purple and 
red.  That's great color selection.  At what level do the different 
colors turn on?  I now can see low level lines in my display that I 
couldn't see before in the Panadapter, or even in MixW waterfall 
display for that matter, and MixW has nine colors.  I need to track 
down the lines and get rid of them or minimize them.  I read with 
interest the removal of hum in the Delta 44 by the use of an 
isolation transfolrmer, but I am running the Firebox, and don't know 
offhand how to apply the isolation transformer, if at all possible.

73,  Chas W1CG 

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