Hi Bob, I am one of the happy campers who enjoys using vCOM every day 
without any problems. The Eltima product might be an expensive solution 
looking for a problem.

I use vCOM for both CAT connectivity (6-16 pair) and CW keying (7-17 
pair) between MixW and PowerSDR. I have used vCOM with EasyPal digital 
SSTV and other digi programs without a glitch.  vCOM has worked 
faithfully for several years (since 2005) 

I want to thank Phil Covington for his generous contribution of vCOM 
along with:
#   .NET 1.1 Serial Port Support Class
#   .NET 1.1 Socket Utilities Class
#   Serial to TCP  Bridge
#   SharpDSP Console for the Softrock
#   The beautiful live analog S-Meter (patterned after John KC5NRA)
#   XML serialization for PowerSDR
#   SharpDevelop alternative compiler examples and demonstration
#   Mono testing and exploration
#   His innumerable contributions to Mercury and HPSDR
#   His new QuickSilver VERB DDC design
#   and now SharpDSP2 for the QuickSilver

de ken n9vv

Robert McGwier wrote:
> vCom has served us very well indeed thanks to Phil and as always, the 
> price was indeed right.  Many experience drop outs of the serial lines 
> between your external programs and the PowerSDR.  I have looked for an 
> alternative to vCom for quite a while that might fix this issue since I 
> could monitor ports and see that all applications were still talking and 
> that the vCom ports were becoming black holes.  Closing and opening 
> fixed the problem but this is not an acceptable solution.
> For those of you who are new to PowerSDR and Flex radio,  there are no 
> wires between your logging and rotor and contesting programs and the 
> radio.  It is done VIRTUALLY inside the computer.  The virtual glue we 
> have been using is vCom.  I am recommending an alternative, VSPD, if you 
> find yourself having trouble with vCom.
> Unfortunately, there is no really usable free alternative I can find. 
> Development on all of this was stymied when we were going to move to 
> Visual Studio > 2005 and .NET 2.0 but developmental delays have 
> prevented this.
> I want every SDR-1000 and Flex 5000 to have the best possible experience 
> with their radio so I wish to recommend an alternative that is NOT free. 
>   You can download it and try it for 14 days and prove to yourself that 
> you no longer have drop outs.
> http://www.eltima.com/products/vspdxp/
> http://www.eltima.com/de/products/vspdxp/
> I recommend if you download the trial version,  you unload vCom (this is 
> easy) and load this as a replacement for the fourteen days it is free to 
> use.  Unlike VAC,  it will not start shouting by me now but will just 
> say "it is time for you to purchase" when you try to open the control 
> panel.  I have run this product now for two months since it was 
> recommended to me by someone here to try.  I believe that was Ken, N9VV, 
> but I am uncertain.  If it was Ken, thank you, if it was not Ken, my 
> apologies for not writing down who it was.
> Here are the things I do know.  I have not had a virtual serial port 
> drop out in two months.  I have not had the occasional other problems 
> that I believe were associated with vCom.
> The product is not cheap.  It is a flat $100.00 for a single copy. If 21 
> of you band together, it is $50.00 each.  I can recommend it as 
> wonderfully easy to use, as easy as vCom.  The GUI is no more functional 
> that vCom but VSPD has more capabilities than vCom which you can find 
> out by trying it yourself for a free 14 day trial.
> I spent the $100 to make sure it was sound before I recommended it.  I can.
> 73's
> Bob
> N4HY

What a fantastic time to be in Ham Radio!

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