>Perhaps there are some Flexers out there who can take Phil's vCOM
>code, set things up to cause the problem to happen, and debug it. (No,
>not you, Bob.)  But if this is a community, and the source is open, it
>seems like there ought to be a better solution than "spend another
>when the vCOM source is readily available, and vCOM apparently either
>works or mostly works.

I absolutely agree.

I write Windows drivers for a living. I reviewed Phil's code a while
back and found it to be both thorough and well-written. While virtual
serial port drivers can be complicated (and Phil's is), there's nothing
particularly high-tech or difficult about them.

If people have reproducible issues with VCOM that they can describe
clearly, I'd be very happy to see the reports and debug the problems.

FWIW, I use VCOM every day working digimodes.  I've never, not once, had
a problem.

de Peter K1PGV

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