On 8/18/07, Jim Lux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> There's sort of a fundamental problem here in that what's needed is a
> way to interconnect two programs which expect a legacy interface, and
> were never intended to talk directly to each other.  Think of all the
> troubles one has using a hardware "null modem" cable with two serial
> port based programs (do you do handshaking or just strap RTS/CTS, how
> is "break" handled, etc.)  Attempting to emulate this is fraught with
> peril, and, just as with hardware cables, for any given pair of
> devices/applications some kinds work and some kinds don't.

I have a feeling that it may be some subtle difference with the way
vCOM handles the lines like RTS/CTS and DSR/DTR that may be causing
problems with certain third party applications.  Or it may be that the
serial port access code in PowerSDR (which I wrote) is expecting some
timing of those signals a slightly different way than vCOM provides.
When/if PowerSDR is rewritten for .NET 2.0, it will be interesting to
see if the problems persist because .NET 2.0 has its own
System.IO.Serial? support.

Phil N8VB

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