At 07:57 PM 8/17/2007, Lyle Johnson wrote:
>Perhaps there are some Flexers out there who can take Phil's vCOM source
>code, set things up to cause the problem to happen, and debug it. (No,
>not you, Bob.)  But if this is a community, and the source is open, it
>seems like there ought to be a better solution than "spend another $100"
>when the vCOM source is readily available, and vCOM apparently either
>works or mostly works.

There's sort of a fundamental problem here in that what's needed is a 
way to interconnect two programs which expect a legacy interface, and 
were never intended to talk directly to each other.  Think of all the 
troubles one has using a hardware "null modem" cable with two serial 
port based programs (do you do handshaking or just strap RTS/CTS, how 
is "break" handled, etc.)  Attempting to emulate this is fraught with 
peril, and, just as with hardware cables, for any given pair of 
devices/applications some kinds work and some kinds don't.

For the PowerSDR world, there should be "a better way" than serial ports.

For the ham equipment legacy interface world, the cause is probably 
lost, since they are low margin enough devices that the mfrs aren't 
really interested in the work involved to come up with a universal 
standard, not to mention that the devices have differing control 
philosophies.  I think we'll always be stuck with "adapters" of one 
sort or another, either embodied in things like hamlib or embedded 
within the application (like Simon has all the smarts to talk to each 
kind of radio in HRD).

Given that, I'm not sure it's even possible to make a universal vCom 
like program, F/OSS or not.

Jim, W6RMK 

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