At 11:35 AM 8/18/2007, Peter G. Viscarola wrote:
> >
> >For digital modes, I am now using two separate computers: ...
> >
>...The downside of this approach is that it requires converting the audio
>data from digital format to analog and back to digital again... and all
>the re-sampling and potential issues this implies.

I don't think this is significant in the real world. After that poor 
signal has made it through that messy chaotic ionosphere anything 
this simple conversion does to it is _very_ "small potatoes" in comparison.

>Also, in terms of connecting the serial ports: Note that that there's
>any guarantee that the programs at both ends will work properly via any
>particular "null modem" cable ...

Yabut - you work with it a few minutes and then it starts working. No big deal.

I am doing exactly what the Flex-5000C users will be doing if they 
operate digimodes. Also the same as "conventional" radio users - for 
instance, my IC-756PRO3 interconnections were the same as what I am 
using now with the SDR-1000 if you think of my SDR computer as part 
of the "receiver system"

BTW, the "hiccup" I referred to earlier may have been a difference in 
operating frequencies between VAC and my RTTY AFSK generator. Symptom 
was that I had an occasional character (maybe every 20th/25th 
character) garbled. I would not have known this if I had not actually 
listened to my transmissions on a second receiver on the desk. Anyone 
could be having this problem and not know it without direct listening 
- a listener 1000 miles away might not notice. Maybe I could have 
worked through this, but I didn't try. Direct cabling completely 
eliminated the hiccup. Bottom line - maybe direct digital conversion 
of the signal has downsides as well.

Jerry W4UK 

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