Mike's (w6thw) suggestion is a good one.  Switch off all other equipment 
and see if it goes away.

Also - your noise floor looks pretty high to me (compared to what I see 
on my SDR).  What is your preamp set to?  The high noise *may* be 
indicative of an incorrectly calibrated receiver - do you have a good, 
calibrated, RF source that you can use to calibrate the receiver 
levels?  I'm wondering if these tones are actually really far down in 
level (below the A/D's threshold), but, because input gain is too high, 
they're being digitized by the A/D and appearing as real (albeit faint) 
signals) - but I'm really just guessing here.  I don't know if the 
Edirol has a preamp prior to the A/D (many A/D's do), nor if Flex 
controls the gain of this preamp.  If not, that is, if gain is only 
applied in software, then this thought is probably wrong - but you may 
still need to calibrate the receiver. 

By the way, if you don't have a calibrated RF generator that you trust, 
Elecraft makes one that is perfect for something like this (I recommend 
that all hams have one).

If you're still not having any luck, more clues might be gained by 
looking at the entire panadapter display (zoom all the way out) .  Are 
there any patterns?

Also - what's the IF frequency set to?


- Jeff, k6jca

Edwin Marzan wrote:
> Hmmm.... there is a switching power supply powering another transceiver 
> nearby. I'll see what happens when I turn it off.
> Thanks for the info.Edwin MarzanAB2VW
> Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2008 09:09:48 -0800From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Re: [Flexradio] 
> Mysterious Spur Visible on PanadaptorTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Hi are you using a switching power supply if so try another one and see if it 
> still there.
> Just thought it might be the same thing i had happen on all bands.

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