Verry interesting Jeff,
A good tool, the freeze buton
73 de peter pa0pvn
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Van: [EMAIL PROTECTED] namens Jeff Anderson
Verzonden: za 12-1-2008 1:15
Onderwerp: Re: [Flexradio] Mysterious Spur Visible on Panadaptor

I just ran some additional tests on 3.797 MHz (this
frequency per Edwin's original video).  You can read
my writeup at my blog:

- Jeff, k6jca

> --------------------------------------------------
> From: "Jeff Anderson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Friday, January 11, 2008 2:23 PM
> To: "Edwin Marzan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Cc: <>
> Subject: Re: [Flexradio] Mysterious Spur Visible on
> Panadaptor
> > By the way, Edwin - it's possible that what you're
> seeing *aren't* DDS
> > spurs.  I'll do some more testing here, too, over
> the weekend.
> >
> > Do you happen to have a Radio Shack common-mode
> filter?
> >
> > - Jeff
> >
> > Jeff Anderson wrote:
> >> Hi Edwin,
> >>
> >> I think what you are seeing might be DDS spurs.
> >>
> >> I just did some additional testing with my
> SDR1000 that's using a Delta
> >> 44, as well as some testing with a seperate
> SDR1000 that uses an Edirol
> >> (and a different computer).
> >>
> >> With each console setup up similarly:
> >> o  SR = Off  (spur reduction)
> >> o  PreAmp = Med
> >> o  Mode = LSB
> >> o  DDS Clock Offset = 0 (this is important for
> comparing one radio to
> >> another!).  It's in one of the Setup menus (you
> need to check the
> >> "expert" box).
> >> o  Antenna:  connect to dummy load.
> >>
> >> If I tune each Console to 7.002 MHz, I see spurs
> at exactly 1 KHz
> >> spacing.  If I then detune by *only* 1 Hz (that's
> Hz, not KHz), the
> >> spurs change frequency by an amount much greater
> than 1 Hz, which is
> >> what I would expect for DDS-generated spurs.
> >>
> >> Both my system with the Delta 44 and my system
> with the Edirol
> >> experience the same problem.
> >>
> >> Note too:  one of the spus (I think it's the one
> at 7.001 MHz) I can
> >> attenuate by attaching a Radio Shack common-mode
> choke in series with
> >> the cable attached to the "To Line Out" jack of
> the SDR - so there seems
> >> to also be a second source for a spur at this
> frequency, and thus some
> >> interaction between it and the DDS spur on the
> same frequency).  And, if
> >> I change the vfo by 1 Hz, it moves by the same
> amount, too, again
> >> implying that it's not DDS spurs.
> >>
> >> Usually DDS spurs aren't a problem, because,
> except for certain
> >> frequencies (around 7.15 MHz on my radio, for
> example), their amplitude
> >> lies below the "atmospheric" noise floor.
> >>
> >> Try testing your other frequencies, too, that you
> show in the video.  If
> >> you move the frequency by only 1 Hz, do the spurs
> move by the same
> >> amount, or by a much different amount?
> >>
> >> - Jeff, k6jca
> >>
> >> Edwin Marzan wrote:
> >>
> >>> Hi Jeff,
> >>>
> >>> The setup is very simple. Astron VS-20M Power
> supply, SDR-1000, Eridol
> >>> FA66, HP Computer, MFJ Tuner (no power supply),
> Creative Labs
> >>> Speakers. Switched on and off all other
> equipment at home and no luck.
> >>> Receiver is calibrated with Elecraft XG-1. IF
> was changed from 11.25
> >>> (I think) to 9 or somesuch via PowerSDR. Noise
> level is very high here
> >>> in the Bronx. I see the same high levels with my
> other transceivers. I
> >>> don't see any other patterns other than 1 khz
> spacing that you noticed
> >>> on the waterfall display. I'm going to see if my
> older version of
> >>> PowerSDR exhibits this same behavior.
> >>>
> >>> Thanks for the suggestions!
> >>>
> >>> Edwin Marzan
> >>> AB2VW
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>> Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2008 10:31:17 -0800
> >>>> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >>>> CC:
> >>>> Subject: Re: [Flexradio] Mysterious Spur
> Visible on Panadaptor
> >>>>
> >>>> Mike's (w6thw) suggestion is a good one. Switch
> off all other equipment
> >>>> and see if it goes away.
> >>>>
> >>>> Also - your noise floor looks pretty high to me
> (compared to what I see
> >>>> on my SDR). What is your preamp set to? The
> high noise *may* be
> >>>> indicative of an incorrectly calibrated
> receiver - do you have a good,
> >>>> calibrated, RF source that you can use to
> calibrate the receiver
> >>>> levels? I'm wondering if these tones are
> actually really far down in
> >>>> level (below the A/D's threshold), but, because
> input gain is too high,
> >>>> they're being digitized by the A/D and
> appearing as real (albeit faint)
> >>>> signals) - but I'm really just guessing here. I
> don't know if the
> >>>> Edirol has a preamp prior to the A/D (many
> A/D's do), nor if Flex
> >>>> controls the gain of this preamp. If not, that
> is, if gain is only
> >>>> applied in software, then this thought is
> probably wrong - but you may
> >>>> still need to calibrate the receiver.
> >>>>
> >>>> By the way, if you don't have a calibrated RF
> generator that you trust,
> >>>> Elecraft makes one that is perfect for
> something like this (I recommend
> >>>> that all hams have one).
> >>>>
> >>>> If you're still not having any luck, more clues
> might be gained by
> >>>> looking at the entire panadapter display (zoom
> all the way out) . Are
> >>>> there any patterns?
> >>>>
> >>>> Also - what's the IF frequency set to?
> >>>>
> >>>> Thanks,
> >>>>
> >>>> - Jeff, k6jca
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> Edwin Marzan wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>>> Hmmm.... there is a switching power supply
> powering another
> >>>>>
> >>> transceiver nearby. I'll see what happens when I
> turn it off.
> >>>
> >>>>> Thanks for the info.Edwin MarzanAB2VW
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2008 09:09:48 -0800From:
> >>>>>
> >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Re: [Flexradio]
> Mysterious Spur Visible on
> >>> PanadaptorTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >>>
> >>>>> Hi are you using a switching power supply if
> so try another one
> >>>>>
> >>> and see if it still there.
=== message truncated ===

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