I am using the SDR1000 remotely. Made both cw and voice qsos. The delay is less 
than 1 second and the audio sounds slightly distorted with an occasional drop 
Pc anywhere and skype. Using VAC to handle the connections.
73 Maarten n1dz

-----Original Message-----

From:  Jeff Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subj:  Re: [Flexradio] TX Audio Quality Help, please!
Date:  Mon Jul 7, 2008 1:32 pm
Size:  3K
To:  Frank Brickle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
cc:  Reflector Flex-Radio <flexRadio@flex-radio.biz>

Hi Frank,

Thanks for the reply!  I can probably post any sort of format, but you 

may have to help me out a bit - I don't know what flac-compression is.

The original Flex WAV files (recorded at 96 ksps) are on the order of 10 

MB each.  To get them down to a reasonable size and to record two files 

side-by-side (because it makes comparisons much easier), I played both 

back (using the Playback feature of the Flex WAVE tab) through the 

Edirol FA66 on one of my SDR-1000's.  I connected the FA66's analog 

output to the analog input of my Delta-44 on the computer I use with my 

other SDR-1000 (via a patch cable), and I recorded them using the free 

version of Audacity.  The record sample rate was set to 44.1 KHz.

I then used Audacity to edit out some of the "silence" time between the 

two recordings, and I converted the file to an MP3 using their 

recommended mp3 plug-in.

Audacity can also export as a WAV file (although I've never tried this), 

and I can change its sample rate to 48K.  Would something like this be 

acceptable?  (And is flac-compression an option for WAV file generation?)

Or I could post the original Flex WAV files - zipping them up will 

reduce their size somewhat, but they'll still be HUGE.  The advantage, 

though, is that there won't be any distortion introduced by this 

process, and anyone can listen to them (as long as they have a Flex 

radio) in their full, 96 ksps glory.

By the way - I should mention that the mp3 files that I posted sound 

surprisingly similar to the original files (to me at least - I can't 

tell any difference), but I'd be happy to try something else.

Thanks again, and 73!

- Jeff, k6jca

P.S.  I'll be away from the computer for awhile.  Will hope to respond 

later this evening...

Frank Brickle wrote:

> Jeff --


> Is there any chance you have saved the original recordings as WAVEs, 

> including the source files? If so, can you post them as 48kHz 

> flac-compressed?


> The mp3 encoding and then re-expansion to 44.1kHz rather than 48 

> introduce an array of spectral distortions all on their own.


> 73 and thanks

> Frank



> On Mon, Jul 7, 2008 at 8:42 AM, Jeff Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:


>     Some friends of mine and I often meet on 80 meters to operate in

>     wideband audio mode (4k to 5k audio) on SSB.  (Yes, I know that this

>     isn't recommended operating practice,but we do it early in the evening

>     before the band becomes occupied, so (hopefully) we aren't bothering

>     anyone, and it sure does sound good.)  Anyway, there have been a few

>     complaints about my audio.  I've been fighting this problem since

>     January, and I've tried a number of things to improve the audio, but

>     nothing has helped.  Neither Gerald nor John at Flex have had any luck

>     replicating my problem - it seems I'm the only one experiencing it.


>     Anyway - I'm at wit's end trying to figure out what the heck is going

>     on, and so I thought I'd try the massive brain power on the

>     reflector to

>     see if anyone here might have any ideas.  I'm open to all suggestions!


>     To get an idea of what I'm experiencing, you can go to my Blog.

>      The URL

>     is:  http://k6jca.blogspot.com/


>     There are three different audio tests.  If you could, please take a

>     listen.  Is there distortion, or am I imagining things?  If you do

>     hear

>     distortion, any ideas of what to do?


>     Suggestions, advice, and comments are welcome!  And by the way, if any

>     of you run a Heil PR-40 directly into your Flex, what settings for

>     TX EQ

>     do you use?


--- message truncated ---

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