Before we get really happy about this, isn't it the responsibility of the operator to know exactly what he is licensed for? Other that the requirement for the FCC (both domestic and export), that is all Flex needs to be responsible for. I would rather they focus their time on the RF deck and not on something that protects people from what they should know already. Especially if this is non trivial, I am sure that there are other things that need fixing that are much more important.

BTW, it is amazing how many US amateurs in the CQWW contest operated well outside their band plan. One 20M it was amazing all those that would just click on a cluster spot and work a guy down below 14.150. Personally over 20 tried to work me on Sunday.
Mike VA3MW

Brian Lloyd wrote:
On Sat, Oct 31, 2009 at 12:33 PM, Tim Ellison <> wrote:
It will be.  The challenge is that there are region and country/entity specific 
band plans and license classes for each that have to be considered.  It isn't a 
trivial enhancement.

You know, it is possible to prevent out-of-band operation by
*thinking* and not setting the VFO to a frequency that will allow
energy to fall outside the band. I teach this to my 6th-grade students
who are upgrading to general-class and will be using the classroom K2
to make contacts. This technique works surprisingly well.

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