
This has really nothing to do with my question. Like you, I usually run the sliders to display 5 or 6 kHz. Unfortunately this does not increase the RESOLUTION (sorry, not shouting, just bypassing the reflector's lack of italics/bold face). I have no trouble seeing the RTTY and working it, but the mark and space tones are quite far apart in 170-shift 45 Baud RTTY compared to the tones in, say, Throb, which are only a few Hz apart. Most of the MFSK modes (I mentioned Olivia before) use a much denser distribution of tones within their bandwidth: Olivia 16/500 (which is the one example I mentioned before) spaces the tones by 31.25 Hz, etc. It would be useful to be able to use the waterfall in pSDR to distinguish these tones clearly. .

Jerry Flanders wrote:
John, change the amount of spectrum you display. Adjust the two sliders just below the waterfall/panafall display so you are displaying maybe +/- 10 KHz. I routinely only view my freq +/- 10 KHz and have enough resolution to identify signals by their appearance alone. I routinely click on RTTY sigs and am tuned to within 30-40 Hz just by clicking, because I can distinctly see both the mark and space tones (170 Hz apart) and the valley between then . I can also see the broadening of the lines caused by the shift in PSK, etc. I think that is what you want.

Jerry W4UK

At 01:34 PM 2/26/2010, John Ragle wrote:
What controls the maximum resolution on the abscissa of the waterfall view? I understand about FFTs, sampling rates, etc. but don't understand why the waterfall in pSDR is so muddy compared to, say, FLDIGI or DigiPan, seeing that they are processing the same audio stream with their FFTs. I have played at length with the "Display" controls in Setup without being able to effect any improvement in the pSDR display.

John Ragle -- W1ZI

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