At 09:53 4/10/2010, Hunter Ellington wrote:
I am neither a
computer engineer or a software guru and wonder whether this radio will
ever have a wider acceptance if you are not in those categories.

All it took to get my radio going (before I tackled the amplifier issues I had)
was some forethought.   I decided I needed a dedicated computer (so as to
avoid all the problems with networking (viruses, AV sw, firewalls, etc.)) so I
said how can I get a fast machine cheap (cause I am a cheap guy).   I went
on eBay and found an in-warranty IBM server for $275.   Worked like a
champ.   I am thinking they probably retire these servers preventively at
two years of age to avoid problems happening while in service.  That means
a constant supply of two-year-old high-end machines.   Goody for us.

Dave Gomberg, San Francisco   NE5EE     Programming since 1959
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