Again, I have to respectfully disagree.  I do think they are plug and
play.  If you play it safe.

IF you have a decently powerful computer with low DPC latency, all you
have to do is plug in your firewire card, connect the radio,  load the
driver and PSDR.  The default settings on PSDR get you on the air
immediately. Assuming you have the right OS.

Yes, you might want to tweak a lot of settings in PSDR, but it's not
necessary to get on the air.  I think the hard part is tweaking the
settings.  There are a lot of settings that the manual could explain a
lot better.  But it's still plug and play to me.

Admittedly, I am speaking from Windows XP experience.  Those going to
newer operating systems do so at their own risk.
Microsoft always screws something up with every new release.  They are
guaranteed to have bugs. It takes years for the code to get really
stable with patches. 
That's not an opinion, it's MS history.  If you want plug and play stick
with a mature OS.  Isn't the point to get the radio up and running?  Not
to try and do it on the latest MS thing?  You definitely do not want to
be on the bleeding edge.

Folks can complain all day long because Flex can't keep up with
Microsoft, but that won't do any good.  Their expectations are
unrealistic.  I have great empathy for Flex, having to run under
multiple releases of MS.  It's not easy.

Watching the forum, it looks to me like the majority of hams with Flex
problems are running Vista or Win 7.  Heaven forbid, 64 bit.  What for? 
PSDR can't use it at this point, so why make trouble for yourself?  What
are your really trying to do with the computer?  Sort of like buying a
Ferrari and expecting it run on regular gas.

Again, I run every application that I want to on my computers as well as
running PSDR with no problems.  Many at the same time.
Sorry for this long post, but I do think some folks are just making
problems for themselves and blaming Flex unfairly.
I suspect the computer experienced folks on the list would agree.


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