There's a legion of hams mired in the past. The world for them ended in
1978. (When the Wikipedia says Collins went solid state hehe)

And judging from some of the vendors I met in the Dayton flea market ..
there are some true whackers among us.

On Sat, May 15, 2010 at 10:12 PM, Michael Tondee <>wrote:

> I was over in the chat that goes along with WA5KUB's helmet cam at Dayton
> today and could not believe some of the attitudes I encountered upon
> mentioning I had recently purchased a Flex 5000A.
>  I was told I didn't have a "real ham radio". That using my Flex was no
> better than being on CQ100 or a cell phone or the internet and other such
> nonsense! Some of the folks there were downright childish about it. I mean,
> I know that kind of idiocy is out there but being confronted with it first
> hand was just unbelievable! Of course, there were those that had some common
> sense there too but what amazed me was that some of the critics were really
> very misinformed about what SDR even was.
>  You guys know we are going to koll ham radio as we know it right? :-) It
> was comical but  it was really sad in a way too.
> 73,
> Michael, W4HIJ
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