Hi Hi....I'm sure you guys know I meant "kill " ham radio and not koll it! I definitely take it with a grain of salt and consider the source. I mean some of them are so misinformed it's not even funny. They really have no inkling of what SDR really is nor what it can do for you. I heard the new Icom rig is going to come in around $4k bare bones. Now I may darn well have that in my Flex when all is said and done but it won't be bare bones and I won't have a radio that is already going obsolete a week after I walk out of the store with it either. Hams used to pride themselves on being on the forefront of technology. If SDR isn't the forefront, I don't know what is. A lot seem to actually shy away from technology now. I was all set to buy a Kenwood TS-2000X when we had the money. I had one before and liked it and wanted another because I like sat ops and HF too. The more I read though, the more the Flex made sense. I may well have to wait a year or more before I can afford to put the V/U module in mine, I could have had that plus 1.2 GHz with the Kenwood today for less money but I'm willing to wait for the V/U capability because the Flex is so far superior to the Kenwood. I've had more fun in the last month than I've had in years with ham radio. Even configuring mine and solving problems has been fun for me. I'm sorry but those guys are just idiots.
Michael, W4HIJ
On 5/15/2010 10:46 PM, Brian Lloyd wrote:

On Sat, May 15, 2010 at 7:12 PM, Michael Tondee <mat...@netcommander.com <mailto:mat...@netcommander.com>> wrote:

    I was over in the chat that goes along with WA5KUB's helmet cam at
    Dayton today and could not believe some of the attitudes I
    encountered upon mentioning I had recently purchased a Flex 5000A.
     I was told I didn't have a "real ham radio". That using my Flex
    was no better than being on CQ100 or a cell phone or the internet
    and other such nonsense! Some of the folks there were downright
    childish about it. I mean, I know that kind of idiocy is out there
    but being confronted with it first hand was just unbelievable! Of
    course, there were those that had some common sense there too but
    what amazed me was that some of the critics were really very
    misinformed about what SDR even was.

That is true and it is not new. That is what the old-timers said about CW, SSB, computers doing RTTY, packet radio, and now SDR. I was once accused of trying to ruin amateur radio because I was experimenting with TCP/IP over packet radio. :-)

     You guys know we are going to koll ham radio as we know it right?
    :-) It was comical but  it was really sad in a way too.

The interesting thing is, it hasn't really started yet. The first inkling was CW-skimmer. It will get really interesting when there is better integration between the IF DSP, the modems, and the CODECs.

But, yeah, we are on the leading edge. I know that I find using traditional radios annoying now.

73 de Brian, WB6RQN/J79BPL

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