What Rod has suggested is good reflector etiquette. This stated as such in the FlexRadio Reflector Rules and Guidelines that everyone implicitly accepted when you joined the reflector. A quick refresher might be worthwhile (http://www.flexradio.com/Support.aspx?topic=Reflector_Guidelines)

For users replying back to a post that receive their reflector messages in digest format note that there are two sections of the FlexRadio Reflector Rules and Guidelines that are most applicable. Here are the excerpts:

"VERY IMPORTANT: Please keep the amount of copied text from previous posts to an ABSOLUTE MINIMUM in your replies. Always delete everything from the prior post except what is necessary to keep your reply in context. Most copied messages can be reduced to one to three sentences to retain context. Remember to delete the email list footer from the previous post."

Also with digest posts, the post subject line is not reflective of the topic, so the following is applicable:

"Sometimes you want to reply to a message but change the topic of discussion. When you do that, you should always change the subject line; if you don't, people following the thread will be confused when your message doesn't match its subject."

And while I am on it, some of the replies to Rod's post were a little out of line as well. Please refer to the following:

"*** Please keep all postings cordial *** Restrain the urge to e-mail someone admonishing them about a posting. The last thing we want to do is to offend anyone from using the Reflectors due to discourteous and harmful postings. [snip] Enthusiastic arguments and constructive criticism is encouraged, but please keep everything cordial and friendly. Members who verbally attack another (either via the list or via direct email) will be moderated or removed from the reflector. "

Thanks for your time for me to remind everyone of the reflector guidelines.

Have a great weekend and remember to get on the air and have some fun. That is what hobbies are all about.

Tim Ellison, W4TME
Product Management, Sales & Support
FlexRadio Systems^(TM)
4616 W Howard Ln, Suite 1-150
Austin, TX 78728
Phone: 512-535-4713 Ext. 223
Email: t...@flexradio.com <mailto:t...@flexradio.com>
Web: www.flexradio.com <http://www.flexradio.com>

On 2/22/2013 1:31 AM, Rod Lane wrote:
I really like this reflector, and I get a lot of good information here.  I'm
a 3000 owner and this group has really enhanced my experience with the

But,  I get this list in digest mode.

That means if you're getting a digest feed and don't clip the reply text
from your message, I end up getting HUNDREDS of lines of text in the message
then it gets almost impossible to find the message I want out of the pile of
old stuff that's included in seemingly EVERY digest pack.

PLEASE don't be so lazy that you can't trim your replies.  It makes it
almost impossible to read on a Smartphone and the messages themselves end up
being over 1 MB each.


Rod Lane, N1FNE

FlexRadio Systems Mailing List
Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/flexradio%40flex-radio.biz/
Knowledge Base: http://kc.flexradio.com/  Homepage: http://www.flexradio.com/

FlexRadio Systems Mailing List
Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/flexradio%40flex-radio.biz/
Knowledge Base: http://kc.flexradio.com/  Homepage: http://www.flexradio.com/

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