Jonathan Polley writes:

 > I have some experience with Tkinter. but my GUIs tend to be a bit
 > "functional" (OK, ugly), and I will be learning XML at the same
 > time.  Any, and all, help will be greatly appreciated.

If you know LISP (CommonLISP, InterLISP, Scheme, E-LISP, or what-have
you), you're most of the way there.

Think of an XML document as a single toplevel LISP list containing any
number of nested sublists.  The top-level list and every sublist are
called 'elements' in XML, and each starts with <NAME> and ends with
</NAME>, where NAME represents the name of the element.  So, what you
might represent in LISP as

  ('person ('name "David Megginson") ('citizenship "Canadian"))

you can represent in XML as

   <name>David Megginson</name>

An element name must begin with an alpha or '_', and may contain only
alphabetic characters (actually, most Unicode ones, including Chinese,
Arabic, etc.), numerals, '_', '-', or '.'.  Technically, they can also
include ':', but that can cause conflicts and should be avoided.

The text inside an element can contain pretty-much all printing
characters, but '&' and '<' (and sometimes '>') must be escaped, like

  &amp; = &
  &lt; = <
  &gt; = >

So in XML text, for "a < b && c > d", you'd have

  a &lt; b &amp;&amp; c &gt; d

It's a bit ugly, but it works.

Comments in XML start with <!-- and end with -->; they may not contain
the string "--" in-between.

You can attach variables, called 'attributes', to each element by
putting a name=value pair in the start tag, like this:

  <a href="";>FlightGear</a>

The attribute name is "href" (follows the same rules as element
names), and the value is "";.  The value must
always be quoted with "..." or '..', and in addition to the special
character escapes I mentioned above, you can also use the following:

  &apos; '
  &quot; "

To encode 

  He said "it's best to buy AT&T"

in an attribute value, you'd do something like

  <quotation text="He said &quot;it's best to buy AT&amp;T&quot;"/>

  <quotation text='He said "it&apos;s best to buy AT&amp;T"'/>

How elements and attributes are interpreted is almost entirely up to
the application -- XML says how to encode data, but not what the data
means or how it should be processed.  In the property manager, we've
decided to treat the XML document like a file system: the root element
("PropertyList") is the filesystem root, and everything else is a
subdirectory or a file (leaf data).

All the best,


David Megginson

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