> Just to start, the property tree has nothing to do with Metakit -- we
> use Metakit only to hold airport and navaid data.

I will make that change.

>        <path  >Aircraft/c172/Panels/c172-vfr-panel.xml</  path>
>         This tells FlightGear where it can find the configuration 
> information for the aircraft.  It is the same as using the 
> '--aircraft-dir=' option.
> Actually, this is the path to the default instrument panel.
> --aircraft-dir is a special option used only by UIUC.
> Thanks for starting on this -- it's much needed.

Some of the other XML files are rather easy to figure out (i.e,. keyboard.
xml), but others are not (i.e., the FDM specific files).  Does anyone have 
anything written that describes these?  The materials.xml file has quite a 
nice description at the top.


Jonathan Polley

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