Jonathan Polley writes:

 > I have made an attempt to describe the contents of 'preferences.xml.'   
 > Could someone knowledgeable in the properties list and preferences.xml 
 > file let me know if I am understanding things correctly?  Also, is there 
 > any information about what each component of FlightGear needs from the 
 > property list (i.e., the various FDMs, etc.)?

Just to start, the property tree has nothing to do with Metakit -- we
use Metakit only to hold airport and navaid data.

       <path  >Aircraft/c172/Panels/c172-vfr-panel.xml</  path>
        This tells FlightGear where it can find the configuration information for the 
aircraft.  It is the same as using the '--aircraft-dir=' option.

Actually, this is the path to the default instrument panel.
--aircraft-dir is a special option used only by UIUC.

Thanks for starting on this -- it's much needed.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

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