> > If you know LISP (CommonLISP, InterLISP, Scheme, E-LISP, or what-have
> > you), you're most of the way there.
> Now I am going to have nightmares ).  LISP and I were not the best of 
> friends in college (things like caadaddaddr gives me chills).

Actually, I think they're referring to nested property lists and
not to the exciting tricks that can be played with the CONS operator.

Another sneaky bonus of XML over LISP is in the bracketing.  Instead of
having fifteen close parentheses stacked up at the end of the function,
you get to say </a></b></c></d></e></f> etc.  While this is a pain in the
butt to type, at least the compiler has a chance of noticing any mistakes.

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