Greg Long wrote:
 > Sounds like a go ahead to stick with familiar turf - RH7.2 And I agree
 > - their package manager sucks, but Anaconda rocks as an installer -
 > with the exception that it won't tell you on the fly if you have bad
 > packages, it just gets to some point and chokes.  Had that happen a
 > couple of times.

Random plug: if you haven't tried Ximian's Red Carpet yet, you really
should.  Written originally as an update agent for their desktop
product (which also rocks), it also handles package download and
installation for a bunch of other distributions, including Red Hat.
It is *much* nicer than Red Hat's own up2date utility.

Everything just does the Right Thing, it's amazing.  Run it as a
non-root user, and it helpfully offers you a password window to
authenticate yourself.  If there are security updates to any of your
installed software available, it immediately shows them to you and
gives you an "update now" button before it does anything else.  It
even checks the MD5 signatures of everything it installs, for that
added shot of paranoid goodness.

It also does a really good job of handling nasty dependency reversion
problems.  If something you want to install, say, requires an upgrade
to a package, and that upgrade breaks compatibility with something you
already have installed, it actually (1) tells you what's happened and
(2) gives you the option to back out all the legacy packages and
install anyway.  This is very cool; this kind of dependency problem is
a huge hassle to handle with raw RPM.

If you don't mind paying for stuff, they also sell a $10/month
"premium" service with ostensibly better bandwidth than their normal
mirrors.  I routinely get 100+ kbyte/s speeds over my cable modem with
this, and am happy to pay the fee.

The only complaint is that, being a separate service, they can lag the
distribution vendor by a few hours with updates.  The recent zlib
updates didn't appear on Red Carpet until the day after I'd already
fetched them from Red Hat directly.


Andrew J. Ross                NextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer      Emeryville, CA
"Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one."
  - Sting (misquoted)

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