> My question is primarily this: Other that personal preference, is there
> any major need to install Debian over RedHat Linux 7.2 for FlighGear
> development?

No _need_.

If you're comfortable fixing the kinds of problems that the FAQ warns about,
all of which _are_ fixable, then there is no incentive against RH at all.
Remember, this isn't a D vs RH comparison.  It's just there is a laundry
list of problems that RH is subject to ... which Turbo, SuSE, etc are not.

> I have a friend who might join in as well, and he has an OpenBSD setup.

The problems people have with the xBSD have nothing to do with FGFS.
Once you've got all the dependencies (i.e. GL, PLIB, MK, etc) working,
I don't recall hearing of any problems with SimGear or FlightGear itself.

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