> OK, I've examined the jet code a bit more closely, and it actually
> looks pretty good to me.  Attached is a graph of available thrust
> vs. speed and altitude for the engines as modelled on the 747-400.  I
> threw together a little program that looped over the Jet object, and
> played with gnuplot's really nifty contour feature a bit.  (Apologies
> for the binary attachment -- it's only 9k, which puts it right at the
> border of acceptability, IMHO).

This may or may not have anything to do with the jet code, but with
the 747-yasim, I cannot slow the plane below about 280kt in level
flight at 3000ft ASL with throttles at minimum and full flaps, which
makes the plane rather hard to land...

This is just an observation, I'm not a pilot, please forgive me if I'm
talking total nonsense...


Major Andras
    e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    www:    http://andras.webhop.org/

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