Andy Ross <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> Jim Wilson wrote:
> > Yeah but look at the values again...we're getting close to tropopause
> > value at 23000ft.  Mach should be well over 600knots at 23000ft,
> > unless it's _really_ warm.
> Mach 1 at the tropopause and above is just about exactly 295 m/s,
> which is 573 knots *true* airspeed.  The numbers you quote are
> "indicated" airspeed (that's the "I" in KIAS).  That means that they
> are corrected for density (basically by the square root of the density
> ratio at subsonic speeds) and are much lower than true speeds at low
> densities.  At 23000 feet MSL, the correction is about 1.5, which
> agrees very closely with the numbers you cite.

Ah...oh.  Sorry about that. :-)



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