Jim Wilson wrote:
> Yeah but look at the values again...we're getting close to tropopause
> value at 23000ft.  Mach should be well over 600knots at 23000ft,
> unless it's _really_ warm.

Mach 1 at the tropopause and above is just about exactly 295 m/s,
which is 573 knots *true* airspeed.  The numbers you quote are
"indicated" airspeed (that's the "I" in KIAS).  That means that they
are corrected for density (basically by the square root of the density
ratio at subsonic speeds) and are much lower than true speeds at low
densities.  At 23000 feet MSL, the correction is about 1.5, which
agrees very closely with the numbers you cite.


Andrew J. Ross                NextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer      Emeryville, CA
[EMAIL PROTECTED]              http://www.nextbus.com
"Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one."
 - Sting (misquoted)

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