On Thu, 2002-05-30 at 22:16, Cameron Moore wrote:
> * [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jon Berndt) [2002.05.30 20:45]:
> > > I have not been keeping track of changes on the JSBSim XML formats for
> > > several months, so I'll try to update the -180 definitions tonight and
> > > see what happens.  I will let you know if I get anyway.  I'm pretty busy
> > > these days, so I'd be happy to hand this off to a willing 3rd party to
> > > pick up the pieces.
> > >
> > > Anyway, I'll see what I can do tonight.  Thanks
> > 
> > You can probably just go ahead and write the model as you understand the
> > JSBSim config file format. It hasn't changed much at all recently. Any
> > recent changes should be easily and quickly fixable.
> I went through and updated the config that is currently in JSBSim CVS.
> There were only minor changes needed to get it looking like the c172
> config.  I did not make any changes to the aero coefs.  I've uploaded
> all of my changes to here:
>   http://unbeatenpath.net/software/fgfs/PA-28-180/latest/
> There's a -set.xml file there too that I basically just copied from the
> c172.
> My tests show a strong tendency to roll left.  I have to maintain about
> 60% right aileron to maintain level flight.  Replacing the Clb coef with
> the c172 one seems to fix the problem, but I left the original coef in
> place for someone with more know-how than me to look at it.

You need to add FG_BETA to the multipliers for Clb. i.e. replace:

That way it will be zero when sideslip angle is zero.

> Also, the other most notible aero problem I can see is the data tied to
> flap deflection.  Pitch and drag seem to be a little high relative to
> the flap positions, but I'm not sure.
> There are several places in the XML file that have "NEEDS WORK" or
> "FIXME" by them.  The only major piece that we hadn't gotten to was the
> propulsion section.  I believe the c172 defaults are still in place.
> Please feel free to do what you want with this aircraft.  I've taken it
> about as far as I can (with Cameron Munro's help, of course).  If you
> need any data, let me know, and I'll see if I can help.  Thanks
> -- 
> Cameron Moore
> /  Every so often, I like to stick my head out the  \
> \ window, look up, and smile for a satellite photo. /
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