On Sat, 2002-06-22 at 17:54, John Wojnaroski wrote:
> Hi,
> the property browser reports two values for rho-slugsft3 in /fdm/jsbsim/atmosphere 
> rho-slugsft3 = 0.002371 (double)
> rho-slugsft3 = (none)
> trying to access the value with the properties manager returns the second null 
>value. the other values appear
> to be operating properly.

Odd.  I'm only calling tie once, and my little fltk property browser
only shows the correct value.  You might check the value of
/environment/density-slugft3.  It's probably better to use that one
anyway as it is not FDM specific.

> Is this correct?
> Regards
> JW
Tony Peden
We all know Linux is great ... it does infinite loops in 5 seconds. 
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