Andy Ross writes:
>Norman Vine wrote:
>> I think that you will find that inorder to get 'high quality' fonts
>> one needs to use a vector based font directly.  The only problem in
>> doing this is that the polygon count goes up considerably.
>Have you tried the antialiased fonts in KDE, WinXP or recent versions
>of Gtk+?  They look *fantastic*, and are generated with exactly the
>method I propose -- a very high resolution bitmap is generated and
>then downsampled into a grayscale image that is alpha composited onto
>the screen.  The plib TXF loader already does the second part, there
>simply aren't any tools to do the rendering and downsampling.


I saw a lot about this technique when MSoft first announced it
and the Fonts do look great but aren't the fonts created when
they are first requested for each requested size ??

Plib is using standard OpenGL texture mapping todo the scaling
from a 'base' raster.

I also think that there would probably need to be a 'special' rendering
for each 'rotation' used. but I may be mistaken.

I can't find it right now but I remember seeing a 'utility' that will
any truetype font into an XFont somewhere which migh be useful too

Please don't let me discourage you from making the fonts 'prettier'
but IMHO the 'easiest' best looking fonts for the Panel will be Vector

I don't think the 'polygon' budget will be excessive if we are careful
about it as on GeForce2 < or equivalant > cards as I believe we are
currently 'fill limited' when drawing the panel.

To clear a possible misinterpratation up.
The Fonts that are distributed with PLib were created by SteveB
on a Linux machine,  I have however created ny own on a Cygwin
system without an XServer but you had to provide a XLib library.
I use a 'slightly' modified version of the one that comes with the
Cygwin RXVT source package. Of course if you gave X installed
you don't need this

font-rendering-best-left-to-the-likes-of-Knuth'ly yr's


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