Andy Ross writes:
> Jim Wilson wrote:
> > When I get some time I'll run further tests and maybe come up with a
> > patch to avoid this sort of glitch.  It would be helpful if someone
> > happened to know why this gap happens in the scenery data sometimes.
> I'm sure Curt can talk in more detail, but my guess is that this is
> going to be very hard to avoid* in the general case.  Maybe the best
> way to do this is to apply some meta-intelligence about the structure
> of the data.  Rather than finding a purely geometic intersection with
> any polygons that may (or may not!) be there, test each tile
> individually (with a little guard band around the edge to prevent
> misses) and select exactly one intersection.
> [* It's really the same issue as the jitter -- at the scales covered
>    by the terrain tiles, the floats in the vertex coordinates are only
>    accurate to within a few millimeters.  Even "perfect" math will
>    result in cracks.  The only way to avoid is would be to find all
>    the duplicated vertices accross tile boundaries and force them to
>    be precicely equal at load-time, which sounds like a pain to me.
>    You can't force them to be precicely equal at generation time
>    because each tile has its own coordinate origin and the "equality"
>    test needs to happen after they're placed into the same
>    coordinates.]

Exactly ...


Curtis Olson   IVLab / HumanFIRST Program       FlightGear Project
Twin Cities    [EMAIL PROTECTED]                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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