On Thu, 2002-10-10 at 11:59, Christian Mayer wrote:
> > Alex Perry writes:
> > 
> >  > Ok, I found the problem.  You're computing the dynamic pressure in
> >  > "psf" and adding it to the static pressure in "inHg" to form the
> >  > total pressure.  The attached patch is the simple fix to the source.
> Once again: This wouldn't have happend if we'd use real units like SI...
> <thinking of song="WHERE HAVE ALL THE FLOWERS GONE">
> When will we ever learn?
> </thinking>

SI is a technically superior system, but as David's example points out,
technical issues aren't the only things that need to be considered when
making such a switch.

> CU,
> Christian
> --
> The idea is to die young as late as possible.        -- Ashley Montague
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