Norman Vine writes:

 > I will still argue that the method used was and still is poor
 > There are those who want 'steam' and those who don't

Sure, and we make both available through the property tree.  If you
want to know the exact true heading, look at /orientation/heading-deg;
if you want to know the indicated compass heading, look at
/steam/<whatever>, soon
/instrumentation/magnetic-compass/indicated-heading-deg.  No one took
away information that you had before, and the HUD still displays the
exact heading if you're interested.

On the other hand, it's just silly to build a control panel that looks
like a real one and not have it act that way -- why waste all the
texture memory to simulate analog gauges when the HUD can do the job

 > Forcing BOGUS values into the ONLY autopilot wasa CRASS
 > thing for 'Johnny come lately's' to do.  IF you had built a NEW
 > autopilot and left the old one as is I would have been one of
 > the biggest proponents of 'steam', In stead you forced
 > me to take an adversarial position which I still hold

I have no objection to a new autopilot module if someone wants to
build it; the current one is fine but it's showing its age a bit.
That said, it shouldn't be hard to make it configurable to use
different property sources for specialized applications like your
(Norm's) GIS work.

 > To sum up I think that the work that has been done to make the
 > 'instruments' act like a C172 is fantastic but it SHOULD be an option
 > and not 'the way'

It should be not just an option but the default option, at least when
we're simulating a C172.  Still, the property tree does make it easy
to do things different ways when you want to -- that was its

All the best,


David Megginson, [EMAIL PROTECTED],

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