David Megginson

> Norman Vine writes:
>  > I will still argue that the method used was and still is poor
>  > 
>  > There are those who want 'steam' and those who don't
> Sure, and we make both available through the property tree.  If you
> want to know the exact true heading, look at /orientation/heading-deg;
> if you want to know the indicated compass heading, look at
> /steam/<whatever>, soon
> /instrumentation/magnetic-compass/indicated-heading-deg.  No one took
> away information that you had before, and the HUD still displays the
> exact heading if you're interested.
> On the other hand, it's just silly to build a control panel that looks
> like a real one and not have it act that way -- why waste all the
> texture memory to simulate analog gauges when the HUD can do the job
> better?
>  > Forcing BOGUS values into the ONLY autopilot wasa CRASS
>  > thing for 'Johnny come lately's' to do.  IF you had built a NEW
>  > autopilot and left the old one as is I would have been one of
>  > the biggest proponents of 'steam', In stead you forced
>  > me to take an adversarial position which I still hold
> I have no objection to a new autopilot module if someone wants to
> build it; the current one is fine but it's showing its age a bit.
> That said, it shouldn't be hard to make it configurable to use
> different property sources for specialized applications like your
> (Norm's) GIS work.
>  > To sum up I think that the work that has been done to make the
>  > 'instruments' act like a C172 is fantastic but it SHOULD be an option
>  > and not 'the way'
> It should be not just an option but the default option, at least when
> we're simulating a C172.  Still, the property tree does make it easy
> to do things different ways when you want to -- that was its
> intention.
> All the best,
> David
> -- 
> David Megginson, [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.megginson.com/
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