Andy Ross writes:
> Does this really have to be modeled, per se?  Until we get support for
> force-feedback rudder pedals and seat cushions, the only thing we can
> reasonably do is play a sound.  That can be done already with some
> fancy thresholding (gating with /gear[0]/wow and groundspeed) using
> the existing sound mechanism.
> I have limited experience here, but the nosewheel shimmy I noticed in
> a friend's PA-180 was only a rumble.  It didn't seem to effect the
> orientation or handling of the aircraft.

I've been fortunate enough to see the inside of a "real" A-320 sim.
One pretty cool thing they modelled in ground taxiing is that if you
crank the nose wheel too far in a tight turn, it starts to bounce
(perpendicularly relative to the tire, forward relative the aircraft)
and it shakes the whole plane and the passengers stiffen up probably
more than just a bit.

Curtis Olson   IVLab / HumanFIRST Program       FlightGear Project
Twin Cities    [EMAIL PROTECTED]                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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