> On 10/7/02 at 5:50 AM ace project wrote:
> >/network/pilot[n]/callsign
> >/network/pilot[n]/position/ (lat,alt, etc)
> >/network/pilot[n]/[network-module-name]/ (module
> >specific stuff)

I think that is fine, but ...
* I recommend you explicitly state that the 'n' for the same callsign 
  is likely to be different on different computers in the group, and
* The instance corresponding to pilot[0] is the local human's aircraft,
  and therefore is probably just a soft link to the top of the prop tree
* So, in consequence, all the non network-module-specific properties
  should have relative names to match the local aircraft's absolute names

> Once you get this working we all ought to have a communal virtual fly-in at
> David M or Alex's local airports sometime :-)

If we manage to get the COM radios to pass voice messages between the people,
and provide a fairly usable tower view, I suspect that one of the local
controllers would volunteer (be talked into) operating the airspace for us.

It might be for KSEE (the one with a hill _inside_ the airport pattern)
instead of KMYF (the one with military airspace a fraction of a mile away)
or KSDM (the one right next to the mexican border) or KRNM (the one that
has fire fighting aircraft getting priority handling), or ....

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