Jon S Berndt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> This is exactly the issue: as we all know, the rotations 
> are fine (a rotation is a rotation - the *orientation* of 
> the vehicle always ends up correct). It's the translation 
> issue that is cloudy. I think what we will do (and I think 
> Tony is agreeable to this, and Andy sounds like he'll be 
> able to do this if he is not already) is to provide the 
> lat/lon/alt (LLA) of the nose/prop_hub_tip for the 
> aircraft in our coordinate system. To restate what our 
> coordinate system is:
> X positive aft
> Y positive right
> Z positive up

Sounds good.

> >The pilot's view is always kept in sync with the 3D model's rotation (we
> >actually start with the same matrices). Except as I noted above, when the
> >user turns the pilots head additional rotations for that are applied.
> There probably needs to be a translation there, too. It 
> would not really be noticable except in proximity 
> formation flight or near the ground - but these are 
> important visual cues and they need to be modeled 
> correctly. Perhaps we should provide the pilot eyepoint 
> location (LLA) as well?

Not sure what visual cues you are looking for.  I would be hesitant to do a
translation that would have the pilot's head bouncing around the cockpit. 
Right now the cockpit appears more or less stationary in relation to the
pilot's eye.



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