Andy Ross writes:
> Remember that the "slow" thing your trying to fix is the fill rate
> penalty of rendering all the panel layers; the panel layers don't have
> significant geometry to speak of, they're slow because of all the
> texture reads.  Fixing that problem with a fill-rate-intensive
> algorithm won't give you quite as much of a speed up as you think.

I still think you are missing the main idea here which is

The main speedup will come not from the method that the instrument
texture is constructed but from the side effect in that most of the time 
most of the instrument textures will not need to be constructed at all  !!!

Your concerns about fidelity can all be taken care of with a little
tuning of the 'delta' required to trigger a refresh for the texture,  in 
any case an intrument's texture should never need to be reconstructed
if that texture has not changed,  which I am willing to bet is the vast 
majority of the time for most of the instruments
i.e As it is now every instument is recreated every frame in a manner 
that requires changing OpenGL state multiple times hence taking the
card out of the 'fast track'  ie each layer of each instrument requires 
a matrix push/pop and a polygon offset

Note using the proposed method the entire Panel could be rendered 
within a single glList().  

Of course this assumes that updating the resident texture for the Panel
would be done in a separate step in a manner that wouldn't require any
polygon offset calls.



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