On Wed, 2003-01-01 at 12:35, David Megginson wrote:
> Luke Scharf writes:
>  > I've had the same experience in the Cessna 172E Skyhawk that I fly.
>  > I can add this to Dave's observations: I haven't been able to cause
>  > the nose to drop in an attempted descending power-off turn stall.
>  > Some at Cessna did a GREAT job with this aircraft!
> Did you try the stall cross-controlled?  Note that I'm not
> recommending that, since it can put you inverted.

I kept it as well coordinated as I possibly could!

At my current level of piloting skill, I'm not going to intentionally
spin an airplane without a graybearded instructor or a parachute!

>  > BUT, I've never tried to stall a C-172E fully loaded -- I fly in the
>  > utility category most of the time.  So, our observations may not be
>  > valid, depending on how the simulated aircraft is loaded.
>  >
>  > How is the model in question balanced?
> We have it loaded and balanced in or near utility, I think.

Cool - so it should be fairly close to the way I fly the aircraft.

On another note, is there any possibility of adding a way to change the
loading of an airplane?  It would be interesting to be able to do
something like:
  fgfs  --aircraft-type=c172r-3d-yasim \
and then do crazy things in the simulated aircraft.


Luke Scharf, Jack of Several Trades

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