[Sorry for the delay.  I was out of town last week.]

David Megginson wrote:
> What can we do to prevent the over-eager wing drop in YASim?  Is
> there something we can change in the config files, or is it a C++
> code problem?

Barring bugs, this is a pure configuration problem.

It sounds like there are two issues with the model.  The first is that
the asymmetry in wing stalls is too high, and that the stalls
themselves are too viscious.  The second is that it is too easy to put
the aircraft into a stall in the first place.

The second is the easiest to explain.  From your description, it
sounds like full elevator in the real plane puts the aircraft at an
AoA just barely past the stall -- you feel the buffet, but don't lose
much lift.  This makes an awful lot of design sense to me, I'm sure
they intended it that way.  My guess is that the YASim elevator is
capable of pulling the AoA well past stall, so you get nastier

Try modifying the "flap" setting on the hstab (the effectiveness of
the stabilizor flaps) until full elevator is just barely enough to
acheive stall AoA.  You are helped in this because (I think) the
"approach" configuration in the file actually represents a stall.  The
solver prints out the elevator required to trim for approach in the
solution report, make this as close to 1.0 as you can.

This might be enough to fix your problem -- you could still get a
viscious asymettric stall with violent control input, but gentle
motion of the yoke wouldn't be able to pull the nose high enough.

The problem with the stalls themselves should be fixeable with the
stall subtag on the wing.  There is a "width" parameter that controls
the sharpness of the lift curve peak.  It's roughly twice the radius
of curvature of the top of the peak, in degrees (not exactly, because
I'm using a cubic interpolant, but close enough).  It's currently set
to six, which I would think would be pretty gentle.  But you could try
a higher value and see what you get.  Is it possible I have a unit bug
in there?

Another tunable you could play with is the "peak" number.  This
controls how high the "normal" lift peak is in relation to the more
fundamental one at 45° generated by the underlying surface model.
Setting this value higher results in a sharper lift drop past the
stall.  Lower values produce more gentle curves.  I have *no* idea
what the right value for this is; I haven't seen any data on wing lift
though the full 360° of AoA. :)


Andrew J. Ross                NextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer      Emeryville, CA
[EMAIL PROTECTED]              http://www.nextbus.com
"Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one."
 - Sting (misquoted)

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