On Thu, 2003-01-02 at 13:35, Andy Ross wrote:
> This might be enough to fix your problem -- you could still get a
> viscious asymettric stall with violent control input, but gentle
> motion of the yoke wouldn't be able to pull the nose high enough.

That sounds about right to me.  In the Cessna 172 that I fly, you can
get some exciting nose-drop behavior in a power-on stall, or with a more
abrupt control movement.  But, if the aircraft is lightly loaded (200lb
pilot, 30gal fuel) and you do a power-off stall gently, you just hear it
go in and out of the buffet every few second while you descend smoothly.

I've flown several incipient spins (with an instructor,
un/cross-coordinated power-on stall) in the Cessna 172  and they were
quite exciting.  :-)


Luke Scharf, Jack of Several Trades

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