David Luff writes:
> Yep, here's my stats from the program I ran to compare the databases when I
> imported the atis data:
> ******* STATS *******
> 9873 airports in DAFIF
> 16937 airports in default.apt
> 1384 airports had K added to match default.apt

Also note that the Alaska and Hawaii airports have a "P" prepended

> 2 airports had a letter removed to match default.apt
> 4057 airports could not be matched with default.apt
> 1077 of these had no valid ICAO code or FAA host ID
> *********************
> 1247 airports with ATIS
> 22567 records in com file without ATIS
> 0 airports had ATIS but could not be found in the map
> 98 airports with ATIS had K added to match default.apt
> 2 airports with ATIS had a letter removed to match default.apt
> 202 airports with ATIS could not be matched with default.apt
> Total of 1045 airports added to default.atis
> Total of 1286 unique ATIS frequency/locations written
>  done
> Note that that's not the most recent Dafif though.  Typically a lot of US
> airfields needed K added to a 3 letter identifier in the Dafif to match
> default.apt.  I've attached the program I wrote to go through it - its very
> very rough but may give you some ideas.  Note that you have to be carefull
> with munging identifiers to fit the two data sources - of the 6 airports
> which could be matched from a 4 letter Dafif code to a 3 letter default.apt
> code, only 2 of them were actually the same airfield.  A similar caution
> probably applies to adding 'K' - it'd be worth checking the Dafif country
> code to ensure its a US airfield you're doing it to. 
> >
> >Also, how do we want to handle updates - I can track how everything was
> >last updated now, so from an initial import of the xplane database I can
> >update it with DAFIF, *but* since the DAFIF info has no taxiway data, if
> >the runway positions get changed slightly the taxiways won't line up.
> >Updating *only* fields with no taxiway info, or which were last
> >updated/created by DAFIF data is possible. Manual updates are another
> >problem - if someone goes to the effort of correcting data then we don't
> >want to overwrite it with potentially less accurate info from one of the
> >databases.
> >
> >If anyone has any ideas on how we should prioritise the information then
> >I'd be very interested in hearing your ideas.
> >
> Hmm, its a bit late (1.30am) to think about all that stuff now, but believe
> me, you've taken on a huge, but extremely important job.  I'd say maintain
> multiple entries for each airfield if necessary - xplane, Dafif and manual,
> and then a choice can be made at render time which to use.  I'd suggest
> that basics are to allow manual entries/corrections to be made which aren't
> overwritten by x-plane/Dafif updates, to allow xplane/Dafif updates, and to
> track where entries come from.  Have fun!!!
> Cheers - Dave  

Curtis Olson   IVLab / HumanFIRST Program       FlightGear Project
Twin Cities    [EMAIL PROTECTED]                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Minnesota      http://www.menet.umn.edu/~curt   http://www.flightgear.org

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