On Tue, 14 Jan 2003 16:10:08 -0600, 
"Curtis L. Olson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
>  3) Expectations are somewhat different for us than many other
>     open-source applications like "autoconf/automake".  Those guys
>     just wrap up a tarball and release it and are done.  We have to
>     coordinate with the base package release, people expect prebuilt
>     binaries, cd-rom images, etc.  I'd love to just do a source code
>     release, it would make my life simpler.  Maybe I should consider
>     it seriously.  But then inevitably, I personally (since I'm the
>     primary flightgear contact) get flooded with questions,
>     complaints, people howling that they shouldn't be expected to
>     compile an application from scratch, or have to learn unix, or
>     have to read instructions, or type from a command line, etc. etc. 
>     People want a Windows/Mac/Linux installer.  Download one big file,
>     double click on the icon and it's installed and all perfectly
>     native to whichever platform they are on.  I haven't the time to
>     do this myself, and apparently (since we don't have these sorts of
>     things) no one else does either.  But there seems to be an
>     underlying expectation that someone should be doing this stuff. 
>     I'm not sure who that would be though.

..one way could be junk all binaries and make a "FG Installer", 
like a script with a GUI front end, to check the system, then 
install whatever _build_tools_ needed (Cygwin etc?) to compile 
FG from cvs, then do cvs co and build FG.

..this approach allows "one click" to install FG from cvs for all,
and should produce bug reports more relevant to FG development.

..the "FG Installer" should show "Basic setup", "Help", "Cancel" 
and either "Install everything needed to build Flightgear", and 
"Update Flightgear", when FG has been built. 
Advice on "how to do advanced setups for developers" should be 
available only at the end of "Help", and accessable thru the 
commandline options.

..med vennlig hilsen = with Kind Regards from Arnt... ;-)
...with a number of polar bear hunters in his ancestry...
  Scenarios always come in sets of three: 
  best case, worst case, and just in case.

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