Curtis L. Olson writes:
> Norman Vine writes:
> > Here is some *excellent* global data for a start on this
> >
> > 
> > and will require an additional download of approx 70 MB 
> > for the minimal installation and approx 300 meg for the 
> > full data set, which uncompresses to ~2.0 GB
> > 
> > Note this data is the same resolution as the gtopo30 DEM,  1 km pixels 
> > at 'best' LOD, and as distributed has 5 levels of texture LOD which is 
> > texture mapped onto an unperturbed sphere, this is suitable for distances
> > of >50 miles or so
> >  
> That does look cool.  So 1km resolution of the earth is about 2.0 GB
> uncompressed, which means if we wanted 1m resolution of the earth we'd
> be looking at about 2000 TB, or 2 of whatever the next unit up is.

Yes the data requirments are staggering and prohibitive with todays machines 
but ...

I think we could get away with substantially less then 1 meter data
for the *vast* majority of the earth. 

for starters over 50% of the earth is water so we could easily substitute
a couple of textures and are data requirements are cut in half

Then we really only need 1 meter data where you are allowed to be close 
enough to the ground to see 1 meter i.e. the immediate airport vicinity 
so lets cut the data requirement in half again. 

This is still a staggering amount of data though

> And you still wouldn't have nearly the resolution you'd need to do
> runway markings and taxiway lines and that sort of thing.

Runways and such could be inserts
> Our planet still seems pretty big sometimes. :-)

FWIW  It has always seemed pretty big to me and I definately am not 
ready to implement 'photo texture' for the planet, except for selected 
inserts which btw I am doing with the above data set as a base :-)
  < this is not publically available yet however >



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