----- Original Message -----
From: "Erik Hofman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, March 17, 2003 12:25 PM
Subject: Re: [Flightgear-devel] Shadows

> Roman Grigoriev wrote:
> > I tried to work not with shadows but with light lobes but It requres
> > multitexturing that PLIB NOT support and I think that will not support
> > nearest future. FlightGear is tightly connected with PLIB and Curtis
> > will not release FlightGear w/o released PLIB with multitexturing
> > Lets hope that OpenGL2.0 will come out in nearest future and Steve Baker
> > start to work on implementing newest coolest shaders and other stuff in
> > PLIB. Now only one opensoure scenegraph support multitexturing+newest
> > shaders techniques - OpenSceneGraph
> Did you take a look at the water demo of plib?
> It uses multitexturing without build-in support from plib.
> plib/examples/src/ssg/water

Yes, but you can't specify second texture's coordinates - It uses texgen
I can work with second texture, Maqrten Stronberg gave multitexture patch to
me at Summer 2002, but as you see there is no multitexture in PLIB CVS
That's too sad :(((

> Erik
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